Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Once Again

This is a rerun of my Mother's Day Post from 2007. I still feel exactly the same way about my children, so here we go again! We are packing to go home to Ohio and I have not been well, so even the blog gets short shrift. Sorry, but I love all my fellow bloggers.....

Happy Mother's Day to Mom, the original seat belt!

Today is Mother's Day and this is the card I got from Numero Uno child. It really cracks me up, because I spent their formative years throwing my arms across the chest of the child sitting next to me on the front bench seat of the car to prevent their being thrown through the windshield. Lord knows how they managed to live through no car seats and certainly no seat belts. One absolute rule was that they couldn't sit too near any door, because who knew whether or not the lock would hold and one could possibly fall from the car during a turn and get run over by the back wheels. However did I manage to get them safely through infancy, school, college and to the altar without killing anyone?
I think motherhood started for me when I was about ten or eleven and our neighbor had a baby boy. I was allowed to play with him on a blanket in their backyard while my Mom chatted with the new mother.
I fell in love with the smell, feel, touch, the enchanting smiles and the cuddly little body of any baby. Little girls are pre-programmed to desire babies in their lives. Shortly after marrying at seventeen, my mind turned to thoughts of having my very own baby to cuddle and smell and love. Luckily, God knew that we were not ready financially for parenthood. He made me wait until I was twenty-one, before He felt I could be trusted with an infant of my own. I couldn't believe it when after all those months and years of trying, I finally knew I was pregnant.
Every since that very first day, when I knew there was a baby coming to our home, I have been the most blessed of all creation --- a mother. If there is to be a special day --- it should be a day for rejoicing in the fact that God has seen fit to give us children to raise and love and then set free.

This is a picture of me with my first child when she was two years and six weeks old. My second child was only six weeks old and I was six weeks away from getting pregnant with my third. How ironic that after almost four years without children, we had three in less than three years. Motherhood has been a joy every step of the way and I am still thanking God for the children he sent my way almost fifty years ago. I love you Lesley, Matthew and Stacey and the ten children you have brought into my life in the last twenty-seven years. The pastor praised moms in church this morning, but it is we who should be thanking God for the privilege He has given to us. I cannot imagine a life without my children. To quote Ben Folds, " I Am the Luckiest!"


Frequent Traveler said...

Happy Mother's Day :)


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

honey i still do that arm thing in the car to this day! ha ha ha

love the photo of you too!

smiles, bee

Big Dave T said...

Happy Mother's Day. Nice blog. Always worth repeating. That picture is so much a Mother's Day picture too.

Carine-what's cooking? said...

I put my Happy Mother's Day wish to you on the last post! Took a chance on today-so I hope you had a terrific day.

I too still feel more than blessed to have had my kids and now my new "kids" and grandsons.

what a wonderful life, b/c of them

Granny Annie said...

It is great to have a post from you again and such a lovely one too. My children are both almost forty and I continue to learn something new about mothering even now. It is the world's most allusive job.

Changes in the wind said...

Great post...want more:):) Loved the picture...those were the days weren't they.

switchinggranny said...

Kacey I just ready your comment to my blog. How very sweet of you to comment and be willing to pray for me. I hope you've been able to get on with twitter now. Sorry it took me so long to write back (unless I did and forgot)'
I love your blog too.. I love the picture of you and your daughter way back. Time is flying isn't it?

looking forward to reading all your blog posts.

Thanks again

B.S. said...

I love that photo of you and your daughter. I hope you are feeling better!
