Monday, December 11, 2006


If you look closely at this goofy reindeer, you might perceive that he is either very mellow or has been nipping at the eggnog again. His eyes have that look of....hic! hic!
Tis the season to be jolly....everywhere you go....oh, wait, that's a combination of two Christmas Songs and could confuse the best of music lovers. I have always had a passion for Christmas decorations and continually add to my collection. I take wonderful care of all my goodies and store them in plastic bins. Some of them even made the trip to Florida with me to decorate there. We didn't have a tree there, so I decorated a fake bamboo tree with gold bells and crimson berry chains. I made a bunch of great plaid bows and wired them onto the branches. Do you have any idea how crappy a bamboo tree looks trying to masquerade as a Christmas Tree? I took it all apart and am contemplating sticking up a tree with all my lovely ornaments now that we are back in Ohio. But, even though the spirit is willing.... the flesh is very weak at this moment and it sounds less and less appealing. I remember back when my in-laws were getting older and they settled for a little bitty tree on an end table.... I thought they lacked proper appreciation for the occasion and offered to trim a tree for them. They didn't want a tree! Now that we are getting older and our plans have changed for the season, we find ourselves in the position of appearing to have lost our love of the traditional things. The date on the calendar tells me that there is so little time to do all the things I once did with one hand tied behind my back. My parents were not big on Christmas, so I wanted to get my children into the habit of joyous celebration of the birth of The King. They have not failed me.... their homes are gaily decorated and the presents are wrapped.... guaranteed to please the grandchildren (I know, because they wrote their lists) and next Saturday is cookie day at my daughter's home. All these things used to be my purview, but now they are being taken care of by the next generation and I think this is what I wanted all along. It's nice to see the kids take up the reins and continue traditions. It's very nice to know that when the time comes, I can leave this world knowing that the kids will carry on with little pieces of me in their celebrations. Maybe someday my pretty ornaments will adorn another tree and a great grandchild will wonder who started the traditions in their families. Here's to the goofy reindeer ---- may he celebrate his way!


Anonymous said...

Yep, Rudolph looks like he got into the eggnog, and the chocolates! It's so nice to start new traditions. For the past few years, my grandchildren and I have made a gingerbread house together, and we set it up with all the houses and buildings I have collected over the years, so on my window sill,,,,,we have a village of homes and trees and churches,,,and they look forward to setting it up each year.
It's nice to start new traditions.

Dust-bunny said...


You've done a wonderful job. Really, isn't that what we all hope for? That the traditions we instill in our kids will carry on throughout the generations, taking a little peice of us with them forever. You should be very proud! Not only have your kids done what you hoped that they would, you actually realize it and can appreciate it, and not take it for granted!

Take good care,

Big Dave T said...

My own parents are in their 70s and their Christmas trees have been getting smaller and smaller each year. This year, my mother reports that they are not going to get one. That breaks a streak of 54 years.

Our trip to the Xmas tree farm to cut our own did not include our boys this year. They did their own thing. So that breaks a string of 12 years with that tradition.

Regarding your comment on my blog, I guess my encore for writing a 50,000 word book would be to publish it. Fat chance, though, I know.

Sideways Chica said...

Hear! Hear! Or is that "Cheer! Cheer! I love the attitude and understand the weary flesh. And I've no doubt that you will live on in future generations. I've only know you a year in cyberspace and I will always be the Sideways Chica thanks to you. ;)

Ciao bella...enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Now move over and quit hogging the eggnog.

B.S. said...

Hi Kacey- I'm so sorry to read about your husband's injury, but it sounds like you're making the best of it as you look forward to enjoying the holidays with family. I often think about what I may or may not be passing along to my son, so I am thrilled to hear that your love of Christmas has successfully been passed along. Sometimes it can be difficult to influence our offspring, but you do it with lots of love- it had to work!


Anonymous said...

Have a JOYFUL Christmas!
nice post Kacey!

Big Dave T said...

Since you haven't posted any blogs lately (though I see you're in a creative mood with your poem comment on my blog), I just wanted to wish you a happy holiday season.

Join me in a carol, won't you? The Christmas Song is my favorite. Or as we know it here in Ann Arbor--"Buckeyes Roasting Over an Open Fire."

Anonymous said...

Wishing you and your loved ones a great holiday season and a very happy 2007!
May 2007 brings us all Health, Wealth, Happiness and much needed Peace on earth.